Jackie Pullinger, Andrew Quicke – Chasing The Dragon
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One Woman’s Stuggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong’s Drug Dens – revised and updated
Inside of Hong Kong was the infamous Walled City. Strangers were not welcome there. Police hesitated to enter. It was a haven of filth, crime and sin. Prostitution, pornography and drug addiction flourished. Jackie Pullinger had grown up believing that if she put her trust in God, He would lead her. When she was 20 years old, God called her to the Walled City. She obeyed. And as she spoke of Jesus Christ, brutal hoods were converted, prostitutes retired from their trade and heroin junkies found new power that freed them from the bondage of drug addiction. Chasing the Dragon tells the whole amazing story exactly as it happened.
Paperback, 94 pages, size: 19,7 x 12,8 cm
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