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Colour – Hardcover
The KJV Rainbow Study Bible has a unique color-coding system that allows readers to quickly and easily identify twelve major themes of Scripture throughout the text: God, discipleship, love, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history, and prophecy. The system also underlines all words directly spoken by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Features 12 pages of color maps with an index Bible reading calendar Concordance Subject guide „Where to Find It“ Outline of Old Testament History „Know What God Says“ Table of Weights and Measures „100 Popular Bible Passages“ „365 Popular Bible Quotations for Memorization and Meditation“ Blank lined pages for personal notes Presentation page 10-point text size
ISBN/EAN: 9781586409104, Pages: 1’610
HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 4-6 Wochen möglich.
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