Bible-Passion – Hebrews & James: Faith Works


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Artikelnummer: 9781424549603


The Passion Translation

The book of Hebrews presents the magnificent Jesus on every page! The light of Christ brings truth out from the shadows and shines it brightly for all to see. Hebrews means ‚those who crossed over.’It is written for every believer today, for we have crossed over from darkness to light and from doubt to faith. What once was a symbol has now become substance, for all the pictures of the Old Testament have found their fulfillment in Him. Hebrews takes us into the Holy of Holies as we come to Him as priests, lovers, and worshippers. We will never be same again when we absorb the light of God that shines from every chapter. He is our magnificent High Priest who is greater than any sacrifice offered or prophet of old. He perfects our faith until we rise with Him into the heavenly realm of priestly ministry. James, the brother of the Lord Jesus, gives us practical truths about what it means to be declared righteous by God. He offers many clear insights on faith and on walking in the truth. We might view the book of James as the New Testament version of Proverbs, for much of its writings speak of God’s heavenly wisdom that can transform us. The book of James gives us the understanding of the power of faith to produce good works. Faith works!

ISBN/EAN: 9781424549603, Pages: 80, Paperback


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