Eugene Peterson – The Message: Solo Women’s Devotional
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Artikelnummer: 9781612914541
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Using the lectio divina method of study (READ. THINK. PRAY. LIVE), these 180 SOLO devotions invite you to spend time with just God and you. As you explore these passages of Scripture from The Message selected especially for women by women, you will begin to establish a lifestyle of reading Scripture, thinking on its rich truths, praying for God’s illumination, and then living out those principles each day. Includes topics that concern women today such as trust, hope, forgiveness, joy, and patience. Devotions are numbered so you can start any day of the year.
ISBN/EAN: 9781612914541, Pages: 368, Paperback
HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 2-4 Wochen möglich.
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