Eugene Peterson – The Message: The Book of Psalms


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Artikelnummer: 9781617472732


Psalms isn’t a book of prayers couched in cultured language. The verses have an immense range of gut-level honesty and passion that provides them with terrific energy.
In Psalms, Bible scholar Eugene H. Peterson brings this collection of ancient prayers to life by translating the rhythm and idiom of the original Hebrew into the American English we speak in our homes and workplaces.
If this is your introduction to the Psalms, you will understand them instantly. And if you are a longtime student of God’s Word, we invite you to read the Psalms again—for the very first time.

ISBN/EAN: 9781617472732, Pages: 272, Paperback, 6.00 X 4.00 (inches)

HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 2-4 Wochen möglich.


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