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A Call To Rediscover the Radical Roots Of The Christian Faith
John Caldwell’s first book, Christ, the Cross and the Concrete Jungle, was the story of his childhood and amazing conversion. Now accepted into the ministry of the Free Church of Scotland, John looks at the church and the problems it faces today and finds the answer in a radical return to the roots of the Christian faith. David Robertson (St Peter’s Free Church, Dundee and The Solas Centre for Public Christianity) provides the helpful Foreword. ‚Each generation requires a fresh evaluation and application of the foundational principles of the gospel. That is what John Caldwell has provided in this book: a recovery of the roots of our Christian faith in God and his Word. Written from the perspective of someone who was radically transformed by grace, John wants us to confront the prevailing culture of our day with nothing less than the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a message we need to hear.‘
ISBN/EAN: 9781783971824, Pages: 168, Paperback, 8.50 X 5.40 (inches)
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