John Eckhardt – God’s Covenant With You For Life And Favour
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Success is a covenant blessing guaranteed by God to His covenant people
Covenant is the foundation of everything that we are as believers. God’s Covenant With You for Successful Living specifically addresses God’s promise to bless you and empower you for success (Josh. 1:8). Clearly communicating that your achievement is directly connected to God’s divine plan for you, John Eckhardt shows you how to:
• Overcome the past so you can live in and enjoy the present
• Receive and follow the wisdom of God
• Tackle the unexpected with courage and boldness
God has already marked a path of success for you to follow. When we stay true to our covenant with Him, we can be sure that for every circumstance we face, it is God’s everlasting covenant that will bring us through to victory.
ISBN/EAN: 9781629980140, Pages: 128, Paperback
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