Kris Vallotton – Basic Training For The Prophetic Ministry Expanded Edition
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Learn how to develop your calling and increase the strength of your gifts from someone who has given hundreds of prophetic words worldwide.
You will be sure of your calling as you learn the difference between:
• Prophets & Prophecy.
• Foretelling & Forthtelling.
• Word of Knowledge & Gift of Prophecy.
• A True Prophet & A False Prophet.
• Old Testament and New Testament Prophecy.
Author Kris Vallotton guides you through the rigors of basic training by revealing the core issues about prophecy and a revolutionary prophetic ministry
Complete with inspiring true stories, thought-provoking questions and a Personal Experience Journal, you can begin today to fulfill the calling God designed for you!
ISBN/EAN: 9780768403626, Pages: 112, Paperback
HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 2-4 Wochen möglich.
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