Perry Stone – Deciphering End-Time Prophetic Codes
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Perry Stone’s most important prophetic book yet.
If you look throughout the pages of history, you can see patterns and rhythms that have guided important events since biblical times. Sometimes these events flow in cyclical patterns and illumination for the future is encoded in them. Through divine wisdom we can imagine the future and see what is coming based on what has occurred. In this dynamic exposé Perry Stone taps into many of these patterns, providing a clear, biblical explanation of how they work and what it means for America, the future, and for you. You will discover:
• Three way of counting time in God’s cosmic calendar
• Visions and dreams concerning America’s future events
• Amazing prophetic patterns of American presidents and world leaders
• America’s fall, what you need to do to prepare, and much more!
ISBN/EAN: 9781629982335, Pages: 272, Paperback
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