Brian Simmons – The Book of Romans: Grace and Glory


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Artikelnummer: 9781424563289


Updated 2020 Edition

Filled with rich doctrines of faith, The Book of Romans: Grace and Glory, 2020 Edition reveals God’s heart for his people and instructs the church on the importance of right doctrine and right living. It empowers believers to live with deep conviction of truth and love overcoming every enemy and seizing victory in Christ in all things.

Encounter the heart of God in the Passion Translation with a heart-level Bible translation that expresses God’s fiery heart of love, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word. The goal of this translation is to trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible, unfolding the deep mysteries of the Scriptures in the love language of God, the language of the heart.


  • In-depth footnotes that include study notes, commentary, word studies, cross references, alternate translations, and more
  • Single-column format
  • 9 point Scripture text/8 point notes
  • The entire text of the book of Romans

ISBN/EAN: 9781424563289, Paperback, Number of Pages: 96


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